Someone once said that “relationship is work,” and those that want the best from it don’t just sit down and wish, they invest their time into making it what they want. The way you treat your relationship will determine what you will get from it in return.

In building a healthy relationship with others, it’s those little things that we classify as unnecessary that really determine how far our relationship is likely to go. Understand that there’s no one single relationship rules that work for all individuals but there are some simple things that are common to the success to most relationship that when done consistently will help in knitting the fabrics of such relationship closer and stronger. Below are three simple acts to help you transform you relationship when done consistently.

Give sincere appreciation:

Giving sincere appreciation or praise to the little things that your partner or spouse does for you or your relationship, goes a long way to add color to your relationship. Appreciation for a little act of kindness goes a long way to stir in your partner the desire to want to repeat such action often so as to get you praise the more.

Don’t be among those that classify the acts of kindness by his/her partner as their job. Such mindset makes such partner relent from giving their best in the relationship. You can’t get the best from someone you don’t appreciate. The more you appreciate your spouse, the more you tune his or her heart toward you and make him or her want to do more.

There’s no good deed that’s too small to be appreciated. Don’t wait for your partner to do that big thing that you’ve been expecting before you appreciate him or her. Look at the little things they do daily so as to keep your relationship going smoothly and appreciate them for it and see how your relationship would soar to greater heights. Remember that it’s those little things that we fail to do and appreciate our partners for that makes our love die out with time.

Do kind actions:

What is the simplest way of showing your partner that you love him or her? Through those little jobs or chores you do for them each day: the little support and help we shower on them to make sure their day went well. Don’t be in the categories of those that see the little things they do for their partners as favors to be paid back.

 Don’t just verbalize your love, show it. Let your love for him or her show in the things that you do for him no matter how little. Some of us might say one thing and our actions would say otherwise. Let the things you do show your partner and those around you that you truly value them.

Little love gestures done toward your partner would not only tune his/her heart toward you the more but also strengthen the bond of love in your relationship. A simple smile when serving your partner a meal, a simple word of ‘I love you’, a simple helping hand of support, a simple act of attention or listening attitude etc, could just be the oil that your relation needs to take it to the next level.

Those that view things they do for their spouse as work or as an exchange for other things never go far in the relationship journey. You should be open to do things willingly and happily for your partner and your relationship as it helps in strengthening the romantic love in your relationship.

Complain less:

You must understand that complaining does not solve issues, it only makes them worse. When you take complaining as a habit toward your partner or spouse you give him/her a reason to act your complaints. Relationship has never been known to strive in a heated environment. That’s exactly what complaining does to a relationship; it makes the relationship unconducive for love to thrive.

Complaints shut our hearts from seeing the good qualities in our partners. And when you’re constantly seeing wrong in them, there’s nothing that they’ll do that will be pleasing in your eyes. Understand that you’re in a relationship with someone that is from a different background than yours. So before you go on a complaining spree, ask yourself these questions;

Is the problem worth complaining about?

Can I do anything to make it go away without complaining?

How best can I address the situation without appearing or sounding mad?

Someone once said that “there’s a thin line between someone that complains incessantly and a mad person.” Understand that the purpose of your complain is not because you hate him or her but because you want them to do things differently. Instead of taking the route of complaining, I think the route of dialogue would be more beneficial.

You don’t really need to have all the money in the world to have a healthy relationship, just simple gestures of love done consistently, would go a long way to make your relationship a heaven on earth. Understand that love dies in little ways and it’s those little things that we fail to pay attention to in the course of our relationship that makes it dies out with time. You can actually make your relationship what you want it to be; it just depends on your approach to situations in your relationship – whether good or bad.

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