Oprah Winfrey once said that, “relationship is like a bird; it dies easily when held too tightly and it might fly away when held too loosely.”  How should we now handle our relationships without causing any harm to it? 

It is a well known fact that relationship building is a very basic aspect of human existence; as humans cannot thrive in life without relationships – be it business relationship, love relationship, family relationship, social relationship etc. whatever the type of relationship you’re keeping, it’s vital to your existence that’s why you are in it in the first place.  And if you want to get any tangible results from your relationships, you should learn how to nourish it; make it your business and invest your time and energy on it in order for it to produce the desired results. 

The purpose of every business is to generate profit, right? Those in business understand what the repercussion would be should they treat their business with levity, the same applies to relationships. If it’s not treated with care, it wears out with time. Since keeping relationships is very vital to our existence as human beings, we should never allow a day to elapse without feeding our relationships something nourishing.

Below are some simple tips to help us in taking steps to make our relationships the heaven we intend it to be on this earth.
  • Make Your Relationship Your Priority:
What we give our attention to often, we strive to make better. Most of us treat our relationship like something that’s not part of our lives – we only assign time to it after everything else had been taken care of. No wonder some of us feel so miserable and angry at life that we wonder if we could actually be happy at all.

 We devote all our time to work – pleasing our bosses and chasing after money that we tend to forget ourselves and our essence. The only relationship so many people have been able to build over the years is strictly business based. They tend to realize later on that they have been wasting their lives and their time after such venture stops giving them the satisfaction that they need or they get fired. 

Some of us are so into our jobs and businesses that we tend to forget our spouses, kids and those that truly matter to us. These are the people that would be by our side when others have rejected us, yet these are the same people we give the slimmest of our attention to.

 If you want to have the balance you have been looking for all these years in your life, make your relationships your priority and you’ll see that every other thing would be less stressful. Spend time with your partner; think of ways to make your relationship interesting and implement them and you will be glad you did. successful relationships don't just happen, you must make your relationship your priority if you want it to be successful.
  • Learn To Put Your Ego Aside:
Our ego is one of the greatest enemies trying to prevent us from building a firm, sincere and successful relationships in our lives. Our egos make us misinterpret harmless words or actions thrown at us. It makes us undermine our partner and put a strain in our relationship in the process. Our Egos help us build a kind of boundary around ourselves that anyone that tries to cross it gets our wrath in return.

If you want your relationship to be successful and nourished you must learn to shut your ego up whenever it tries to raise its ugly head.You must be ready to listen and take corrections. You must be ready to apologize when you are in the wrong. You must understand that there are things your partner is good at and can do better than you. So you should be willing and open to seek their opinions if you want to have a smooth and successful relationship. Be willing to shift ground and be flexible. Don’t let your pumped up ego make your relationship unbearable for you and your partner.
  • Treat Your Relationship With Respect:
Understand that your relationship is a reflection of yourself. The way you threat your relationship will determine what you will get from it. So, treat your relationship the way you would like yourself to be treated.

How you respond to the one you are in a relationship with tells a lot about your person. No one would want to be around a disrespectful person for long. Learn to listen sometimes before acting. Try to understand your partner’s viewpoint before throwing their ideas or suggestions to the waste bin. If you want to have the best from your relationship and keep it nourished at all times, you must learn to treat it with respect.
  • Be Faithful To Your Relationship(Partner):
Faithfulness is a virtue being sort after by many but only possessed by a few. Be faithful to your spouse, your kids etc. when you say a thing, stick to it. Let your loved ones understand that you always have them at heart and would never do anything to betray their love and trust - Herein lies one of the strong foundations of a successful relationship.

Be there for your partner and let him/her understand that you value him (her) and would never do anything that would put a strain on your relationship. it is your duty to work on your relationship and make it successful.

 Whatever we want or desire in our relationships, we can actually have them; If only we would learn to invest out time and energy in our relationships. Relationships are vital to our existence, hence it should not be neglected, because this is the only place we can draw our comfort from when everything else had failed us.

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