When a man is in a relationship with a lady he truly loves, he would want to do anything to make her happy and comfortable. One very obvious character men display when they think they have found the right one them is that, they would start including her in every important activities in their lives.

I’m not talking about someone that is jealous and would want to be around you at all times so as to keep an eye on you – I’m talking about someone that truly thinks you’re the one for him and wouldn’t want to do anything to create any form of suspicion in you that you’re just an option. Some signs to look out for to help you determine if you man considers you as the right one for him are  listed below:

  • He doesn’t include you in his future:

This can be very trickish because there are some men that have developed the habit of sharing their dreams with whomever they are with at that point in their lives and most ladies do misconstrue this as a sign of commitment to them. Do you know the number of other ladies he’d told that same dream to before he met you? Has he ever said anything linking you to his dream?

 A man’s dream is a blue print on how he wants is life to be, and if he has never said anything in relation to you being in that dream, then you’re likely not the one.
How do you know if he really wants you to be in his dream? Let’s assume he told you his five year dream of building a big house with several guest rooms, a big masters’ bedroom etc. has he ever asked you how you would want your bedroom to look like? Or the kinds of color you find attractive and romantic for a bedroom? Or let’s also say that he’s dreaming to live in a particular part of the country. Has he ever asked if you would mind living in such part of the country also?

 You may ask, what if he doesn’t talk about his dreams with you? Then you’ve already known your place because men have this habit of sharing their dream with the women they consider as the one.

 To be quite sure that you’re not making a false conclusion, you can decide to ask him about his dream and if you don’t hear him placing you in it, then you should decide on what you’re going to do next, because from a man’s dream you’ll get to know what he thinks about you and determine if he considers you as the one or not.
  • He doesn’t ask for your views in his plans:

One thing men do when they want to assure a woman of their love is that they sometimes ask for her views regarding something big they plan to do in their lives. They may not actually yield to whatever she might say even if it appeared better than what they had in mind. They do that to let the woman know that they consider her as an important part of their lives.
I know that there are some proud men that have some funny views that women have nothing reasonable to contribute to their plans. Irrespective of the orientation of the man, when your man has never told you about his plans and ask for your input – whether he’s going to stick to it or not, then he certainly doesn’t consider you as the one.
  • He’s uninterested in your goals and dreams:

Relationship is all about sharing and knowing about each other the more so as to help each individual decide on how to make the other a better person. How could you help or support someone you don’t know anything about?

 If the only things he talks about you are your pretty face and physique and other irrelevant stuffs; then you should watch it carefully because you may likely be going out with someone that doesn’t care about your goals and dreams.
Has he ever asked you what you want to do with your life? Has he ever asked you about your aspirations and dreams? When a man is concerned about your dreams, he put himself in it because he would want to make sure he gives you his support and encouragement whenever you require it.

So if he has never asked you about your dreams, or when you told him about your dreams he doesn’t develop any interest in them, then you should understand that he may not consider you as the right one for him.
  • He never puts an effort into settling a disagreement with you:

Arguments and conflicts can’t be ruled out of any relationship as they seldom occur. But who always chart the course for reconciliation? If you’re the one always striving to ensure that there’s peace in your relationship, then it’s obvious that he doesn’t give a damn about you and you’re not the one.
Men that consider their ladies as the one, always try to limit the occurrence of conflict in their relationships. Should there be a disagreement or misunderstanding, they always try to chart the course of reconciliation.

 From the way your man act when there’s a misunderstanding between you two would give you an idea of what he thinks about you. Don’t take his refusal to maintain peace in your relationship as an ego thing or his personality, it simply means that he doesn’t give a damn about you and you’re not the one.
  • He sees spending time with you as a job:

Men enjoy spending time with ladies they consider the one in their lives. But if the only time he cherishes being with you is when he wants to get some, lady, it’s time to pack your bags. How does he behaves when you request to spend some time with him?

I know that on some instances he might be busy, yes, but when he always use being busy to avoid spending time with you, but makes himself available whenever he wants to get ‘some’, then you’re most definitely not the one for for him.
Spending time with one’s partner is a sure way of assuring them of your love and commitment. If he isn’t doing that or putting efforts to do that with you, take your leave please before you get more heart aches.
  • He avoids being seen with you in public:

Most men take pride in flaunting their girl friends or partners in public places and to their friends. If he avoids being seen with you at all cost: only takes you to secluded places or places he’s not well known when he wants to go on an outing with you, then you’re likely not the one.
When a man loves a lady and considers her as the one, he flaunts her where ever he goes so as to warn other sharp guys to keep off; that she’s already taken. So should your man always avoid being seen with you in public places or only takes you to secluded spots or places where he’s not known, then you’re likely not the woman occupying his heart.
  • He never introduces you as his girlfriend or partner:

If your man finds it difficult to introduce you as his girl friend, then you should know that you are not the one. When he’s seen with you, who does he say you are to him? Does he always refer to you as a girl he just met or his girl friend?

When a man considers the woman he is with as the one, then he would want to introduce her to those he always comes in contact with as his girlfriend so that they can also help him keep an eye on her. So should he always introduce you as a friend, a lady he just met etc, then you’re nothing but a side chick to him.
  • He only introduces you to his group of friends:

Take note of this; the set of people you man introduces you to speaks of your level of importance in his life. If he only introduces you to a group of his bar drinking friends or he only takes you to only those places where those particular set of people are around, then you’re likely to be his side chick and not the one.
Note how he introduces you to those people that he respects and considers as family, because that to a large extent determines what he thinks about you.
If your man considers you as the right one for him, he’ll have no problem introducing you to his parents and to those people he considers to be important in his life. If he hasn’t done this or always gives an excuse for not introducing you to such people, then he doesn’t consider you as the one or he’s yet to decide if you’re truly the one.
  • He is never willing to make any form of adjustment or changes for you:

If your man keeps telling you ‘that’s the tradition, that’s how it’s always been etc.,’ and isn’t willing to make any adjustment or change for you, then you should understand that you’re not the one. Men try to please and improve on themselves when they’ve met the lady that they consider as the one.
If he’s always concerned about himself and his needs, always want you to leave things the way you met them, always tell you things like, ‘today’s guys’ night out’ etc. then he doesn’t consider you as the one.
Ladies understand that men try to please and be at their best whenever they are around the women that they consider as the right one for them. They always strive to make her happy and are willing to make changes in themselves for the good of the relationship.

So if you observe that your man is putting up any of the above practices, then he doesn’t consider you as the right one for him or he’s yet to decide if you are the one. Simply take your leave and save yourself from unnecessary time wastage and heart break.

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