There’s this saying that ‘nobody is an island’ and no matter how hard you try to isolate yourself from the people around you, there will come a time when you’ll need them; no matter how little that need may be.

The people around us play very vital roles in our lives that help in shaping us into whatever we become in life. Irrespective of your experiences in dealing with people, the roles people (family members, friends, neighbors, relatives, colleagues etc.) play in our lives can’t be over emphasized. Below are some of the roles they play in our lives:
  • They help us understand ourselves better:
You can never understand who you truly are by being with yourself alone.  The people you mix up with help in shaping your true behavior. They more you spend time with the people around you, the more you understand yourself and guide your actions.
People help us in knowing our weak points and our strength and help us on working on ourselves for a better us.
  • They support us:
No matter how wealthy or financially stable you are, there comes a time when you’ll certainly need the support of someone. This is one of the benefits of having people around us: they support us. Those times when we become weak, or couldn’t perform a function properly we could count on them to help us through it. Someone once said that, ‘the sort of people you have around you will determine how far you’ll go in life.’ They help us meet some little needs or chores that we might be indispose to do at that time.
  • They guide us:
Have you ever made a decision that you thought was the best but turned out to be very disastrous and you wish someone had told you not to toll that path? This is one of the areas the people around us could be very useful. Because, there’re times when we could be threading a very dangerous path and until someone call us to order, we would never be aware of what we’re likely getting ourselves into.

They act as our watch- men (women) and help bring us back to sanity during those periods when we’re acting insane. I know there are some people that view counsel from those around them as a curse or an insult. I even have an elder sister that behaves that way: she never listens to anyone until whatever it is that she’s killing herself over had gone wrong, before she start feeling guilty and apologizing to everyone that tried to correct her that she never listened to.

This is one vital area where the people around us become very useful. They become our second mind and let us know when we are going off the right path, and they try to channel us back to the right path.
  • They help us watch our backs (they protect us):
There are some people that are termed untouchable; not because they’re very strong but people are scared of them because they have strong people around them that would stick out their neck for them should anyone one try to treat them unfairly.

The sort of people you have around you will determine the sort of respect other people will place on you. There was this story I heard where somebody paid some thug to go and beat up some other person he’s having a misunderstanding with. But unknown to him, the person he paid the thugs to go and beat up was the brother of the thug’s boss. The news got to the thug’s boss and the thug went back to beat up the man that paid them to go and beat up the other without the thug’s brother having any knowledge of it.

The people you have around you sometimes help you avert an attack that would have come your way even without you knowing. They help us watch our backs and let us know when we’re treading on a dangerous ground and also defend us when someone is trying to step on our toes.
  • They help motivate us:
Have you ever felt like giving up or throwing up the towel but just a little word from someone helped you regained you consciousness and strength and you started putting more effort at what you do? Mere seeing the people around you and their state is a motivating factor that propels one to want to achieve greater heights in life; mostly if the people you surround yourself with are people that are doing well in their fields, you would be forced to want to replicate that in your field also.

 The people we have around us serve as a motivating factor to us. They make us not to slack in whatever we’re doing and even if we slacked, their words of encouragement are always there to charge us and get us right on track.
  • They make our lives interesting and fun filled:

They’re always there to share in our joy and stir joy in us in those times when we might feel down. They make our day interesting and fun filled. They try to make every time we spend with them memorable. I hardly watch a soccer match alone in my sitting room, even with all the comfort there. I would have to trek to one of my guy’s place to watch the match because it’s usually fun when you have somebody to share the fun with.

No matter how down you might feel, when you’re in the midst of lively and happy people, they always rob that happiness off on you. This is one area where the people around us play a very vital role. They help in bringing out the joy in our hearts and make our lives and our day interesting.
  • They help dampen our pains and frustrations:
Just as they share in our joy and make our lives interesting and fun filled, they also share in our pains and discomfort. They make us understand that we’re not alone in times of difficulty. They make us understand that no matter what; they’ll always be by our sides and serve as source of support and encouragement to us. This is one reason why most of us can still go through life with a smiling face even in the midst of difficulty because we understand that there are people that are always there to support us and stick out their necks for us in whatever situation we find ourselves.

Those that have people that cheer them up in difficult times don’t give up easily. They look at life with a more positive outlook than those that see people as hindrances in their lives. Our lives become easier when we understand that there are people that wouldn’t be comfortable should anything unpleasant happen to us: they would want to do their best to ensure that we’re okay. Such is really what makes life worth living.
  • They wish us well and also pray for us:
I was talking with one of my friends one time about some challenges I was going through at that time and he said something that gave me confidence that things would actually turn out for the better. He said, ‘bro. don’t worry, I’ll be praying for you because I know that if things get better for you, you won’t forget me.’

People around us understand that if we’re blessed, that blessing would also rob off on them in one way or the other, hence they’re always wishing us well and praying for our successes. Just imagine so many people wishing you good things and asking God to bless every of you effort with success, how lovely could that be?

Nobody is an island and no matter how wealthy or self sufficient you think you might have become, you always need people around you: as they give us a reason for living and make us want to achieve more in life.

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