wedding ring

You have been in that relationship with him for over a year now and you have been giving him your time and investing your best in the relationship hoping that he would take you seriously and consider building a future with you; but he’s always coming up with excuses why you guys shouldn’t rush up things and you’re beginning to wonder if you have any future with him.
You’ve even assessed yourself severally to see what you might have been doing wrong that is preventing him from giving you his full commitment; but you don’t seem to find anything wrong. What is now holding him back from taking the relationship to the next level? You asked in confusion.

 Most ladies fail to realize that, certain actions they display before a man they claim to love might actually make him relax and relent from taking the relationship to the next level. Yes, some of those actions might seem normal and harmless to the relationship but they might actually be what’s preventing him from giving you his full commitment.

Unless you’re not one of those ladies that have marriage as a major reason for being in a relationship, then you should have nothing to worry about. When you’re with someone that professes love to you and he doesn’t want to take the relationship seriously by committing to you in marriage after some time together, you should begin to ask some questions in order to know where you stand in that relationship with him. Below are some few tips of what might actually be preventing him from taking your relationship to the next level.

  • You are already giving him the benefits of marriage:

“Why should the milk be bought when the cow can be gotten for free?” there are things that only those in a committed relationship of marriage are supposed to be enjoying. But when you’re giving him those things willingly, why should you expect him to commit to you in marriage when he’s already getting the benefits of marriage for free?

You act as his cook, do his laundry, keep his home clean and satisfy his sexual desires and in some cases even live with him in the same apartment and you expect him to take you to the alter when he’s already reaping the benefits of those that had taken someone to the altar. Wake up from your dream girl! He just doesn’t see any reason why he should do that.

Men hardly do things they don’t have a good reason for or a strong need for. You don’t give him enough reason to want to commit to you and take your relationship to the next level when you are constantly giving him the benefits that is supposed to be reserved for marriage. There’s actually nothing wrong in going to your lover’s house once in a while to help out. But if you’ve been doing that and he has not shown any sign of taking the relationship to the next level, then you need to move on with your life because he might be one of those that want to reap the benefits of marriage without committing to it.

Note that, when a man that is not married to you is already enjoying the benefits of marriage from you, he would see no need to want to commit to you in marriage. You have to make him see the need to prove to you that he’s worth every love and care you’re showering on him and even much more by having the confidence to take your relationship to the next level without any form of pressure from your side. Understand that if he can’t be bold enough to commit to you and the relationship, then he doesn’t deserve to enjoy the benefits only the married are supposed to enjoy.

  • He is not yet ready for marriage:

Most ladies think that; when a man has a good job and a comfortable place to lay his head, then he must be ready for marriage. Nay, most men don’t think that way! Men that are ready for marriage just look for someone that they’re comfortable with and can tolerate their excesses and settle down with. They don’t go jumping from one lady to another like a confused teenager that’s still trying to discover himself. They know what they want and they go for it when they see it.

One of the worst mistakes one can make as a single lady that is ready for marriage is to hook up with a man that is not ready for marriage. You keep thinking and hoping that he would take you seriously but to him you’re nothing than a conquest. No matter how sophisticated, decent or respectful a lady might be, to a man that isn’t ready for marriage she’s just another conquest to satisfy his immediate desire. That’s why it’s advised that ladies watch the kind of men they open their hearts to because, most of the time it becomes difficult for them to get out of such relationships because she would think that she has a lot to lose. Even when he doesn’t take her seriously she would still hang on hoping that she could make him change.

One of the ways of knowing men that are not ready for marriage is that they try to avoid any conversation about marriage or they feel very uncomfortable talking about any issue relating to commitment and marriage. If he can’t define his relationship with you and give you a clear direction of where it is heading to, then he is not ready yet for marital commitment. Don’t continue wasting your time with him.

  • He doesn’t consider you as the right one for him:

You’ve been with him for over a year and he has never shown any form of desire of wanting to take you to the alter and you’re still there hoping that he would. You need to wake up from your wishful thinking and start assessing your relationship so that you can face the reality. When a man meets a lady that he thinks is the right one for him, he doesn’t waste any time before committing to her in marriage because he would be scared that some other smart dude might also discover the great qualities that he had seen in her and try to steal her away from him.

Don’t keep falling for that sweet talk of needing more time or wanting to get to the next level in his career before tying the knot with you. Such statements only meant one thing, and that is “he doesn’t think that you are the right one for him.” So he would keep giving you various excuses until you get fed up and leave on your own accord. But the sad truth is that, most ladies would hardly let him be. They would keep hoping that they could make him change his mind until they discover that he is already seeing someone else behind them.

Don’t let any man fool you with promises or excuses. Six month is very much enough time for any man that is ready for marriage to know if you’re the one for him or not. If after six months he hasn’t said anything relating to committing to you or he always tries to avoid discussing marriage talk or he fails to define the direction of the relationship, then he doesn’t consider you as the right one for him. Let him be and wait for someone that would take you seriously.

Commitment in relationship should not be something that should be forced from someone because relationship is about building a life together. Anyone going into a love relationship should know what he/she wants from it and where he/she wants it to lead to.  If you observe that where you want your relationship to lead to is not same as where he wants his to lead to, you should let him be because you can hardly make him face the direction of where you want yours to lead to.

Don’t waste your time on someone that only sees relationship as a game, because that is what it’s going to be to him until he’s ready to get serious with his life. Marriage needs serious commitment and for it to be a success, it must come willingly from the hearts of those going into it.

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