love quotes

Anything that is gotten through lies and deception never lasts. How long can you maintain that facade you’re posing? I wonder whenever I see people trying to build committed relationships on the foundation of lies and deceit: they claim to be what they are not and present themselves in ways that are above their means in other for them to gain acceptance. How long can you keep up with such facade before you are discovered? Anyone that cannot accept you for who you are does not worth your time and energy.

You need to understand that anyone that got attracted to you as a result of your lies and deception is not yours because he/she is only with you as a result of the lies. What do you think such a person would do when you can no longer sustain whatever it is that got him/her attracted to you? So why waste such energy and time trying to be what you’re not for someone that does not worth it and is likely not going to stay committed to you in the long run?

There’s a huge difference between loving and accepting someone for who they are and loving and accepting someone for what they are(have). Someone that loves you for who you are will stake his/her life to be with you through any circumstances, while someone that loves you for what you are or what you present yourself to be is only with you because of what they can get from you; and the moment such thing stops coming or they get a better offer from someone else, they are off to the next person. Is that the kind of person you want to waste your time and energy on?
I know you may say that ‘you’re sincerely interested in him/her that is why you had to present yourself in a way that will make him/her accept you easily’. That’s really a good intention, isn’t it? But do you know that such a relationship is already a failure from the onset because it has lies and deception as its foundation? Anyone that is going to love and accept you is going to love and accept you irrespective of who you are. You can hardly build a sincere and lasting relationship with someone you can’t reveal your real self to. Beside, whatever is started with lies and deception will also be preserved by lies and deception. How long do you think you can hold on to the lies and fake life before you are found out?

Do you really want to go through such stress for someone that you won’t really have in the end? Do you really think he/she will still love and accept you when they know who you really are? I know sometimes we may really feel the need to present ourselves in ways that we’re not or tell lies just because we want the person badly, but how long is that going to last? You might have him/her now through lies and deception, what do you think will happen when he/she realizes that everything about you is a lie? Do you think it is worth it?

ALSO READ: Why he is reluctant to commit to you

I think the only thing you need to present in order to win the love and acceptance of anyone is yourself and if that person can’t accept you now, they can hardly accept you later. Why waste such time and energy, when you know it is still going to fail? Unless, you are the hit and run type, then lies and pretense won’t be much of a big deal, but should you want something real and lasting from such relationship, you had better present yourself for who you are and let whoever you are interested in building the relationship with decide based on who you are and not what they see you to be; as that is the surest way of building strong and lasting relationship. There’s no need starting a relationship with someone you can’t reveal your real self to because it is likely going to end in disaster. It is up to you!

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