danger of feminism to marriage

I believe every human being should be treated equally whether male or female irrespective of the situation. But,
I also believe that men and women have different roles in life; mostly when it comes to marriage. Men are biologically built to perform better in some aspects of life, same also applies to women. When it comes to the marriage institution, everyone must understand their roles and be very willing to play those roles in order for the marriage union to be a success.

 One mistake most feminists are making, is taking the feminist fight into the marriage institution. They are forgetting that marriage can never thrive in an environment where there are conflicting ideas and roles. Each individual going into marriage must understand the roles he/she is going to play in order for the marriage to be a success.  One major challenge confronting marriages worldwide is what I call ‘role conflict’.

Men are getting confused what their real roles are in marriage nowadays, likewise women. The traditional man is supposed to be the provider and the protector of the family, while the traditional wife is supposed to be the home builder. But the way things are going; feminist women believe that the man should also shoulder most of the responsibilities of keeping the home with their wives. The problem here is that, they are not saying anything about the woman also joining the man in his traditional role of providing for the family. They believe the woman should do that out of her own free will, while the man is compared to assist her in keeping the home.

I am not against men assisting their wives in any way they deem fit, but it should come from a heart of love and commitment toward ones wife and family; not as a compulsion from a set of people that are seeing men as a form of beast that should be placed under them because they have the victim mindset that they have been held captive by men for too long. Core feminists see men as enemies of ‘womanhood’ that should be subdued.  That is why it is getting more and more difficult for men to confidently play their God given leadership roles in the family.

The divine order for marriage is for the man to be the head and the wife to be the helper. But feminist don’t believe that should stand because they think the divine creator made a mistake by choosing such a template for marriage. Unless you’re prepared to be in a home of constant competition with the one you will call your wife, below are 12 good reasons why you should never ever consider marrying any woman that calls herself a feminist if you still have the traditional idea of marriage

  • They don’t understand what it truly means to love someone

  • She will never value or appreciate your contributions to the family because she believes she’s entitled to it by being your wife.

  • She will intentionally hurt you and not expect you to retaliate

  • She will always play the victim in the event of a family crisis – even when she’s responsible for the crisis

  • She’s very likely going to treat every issue with you her partner as a competition

  • If you don’t always agree with her and do her biddings she will resort to calling you names such as controlling, sexist, stone-age, traditional, uncivilized, etc.

  • She will always want to have her way with you so as not to appear weak

  • She will always seek for an opportunity to argue, berate and belittle you so as to prove her point to you that she is superior.

  • She will be very quick to remind you of her achievements and contributions in the home in the event of a slight misunderstanding.

  • She will very much tell you to your face or by her actions that she can live life comfortably without you.

  • Feminist ladies are often very selfish. They only do things when it will be of benefit to them

  • Feminist ladies are very quick to walk out on their marriage at the slightest provocation because they don’t really understand what marriage is all about.

You need to understand that marriage is a union and for that union to be a success, both partners will have to rely on each other and be willing to sacrifice for each other without feeling forced or used. Feminist view anything that involves men as a challenge. Unless you can sincerely live with such a person that indirectly see you as an enemy to be defeated, I won’t advice any man to go into marriage with any woman that believes in feminism.

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