Simple Cure For Sadness And Depression

common causes of depression

Someone once asked me ‘what I thought  was one of the common causes of sadness and depression?’’ And I subconsciously said,
“ungratefulness for the little things that we are blessed with in life and regret for what we don’t have or cannot change”. Yes, people that hardly see the little blessings in their lives live in complain and regret which are among the most common causes of sadness and depression.

Sometimes, we focus all our energies lamenting on the few things that we don’t have and we would start comparing ourselves with some of the people around us that seem to be living the sort of life we hoped to live. We look at the acquisition of those around us that seem to be doing well and start wondering what we have be doing with our lives all these while when others a busy making head-way. Such attitude may make us see life as being unfair and we would start feeling sad and depressed because we would feel like we have been left behind in the scheme of life.

When you start measuring yourself with others, you would fail to see the good things that you have that those people you’re measuring yourself with don’t have. Rather, you would exaggerate the things they have that you don’t have and belittle the things that you have that they don’t have. Therein lies the beginning of regret and unhappiness and when this unhappiness has spanned for a longer time, it advances into depression.

The moment we start focusing all our energies on those things we don’t have and feel pity for ourselves for not having them, we place a kind of barrier on our minds that tend to shut our senses to the good things that life has to offer us. And the more we wallow in such pit of ungratefulness and regret, the deeper we sink into the pit of sadness and depression.

Yes, some folk that you know might have achieved far more than you do and they might seem very happy and fulfilled, but until you go close to them, you would never know what some of those people that you’re admiring and killing yourself over their achievements are actually going through.

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You may not have gotten all that you want or are looking for in life, but you are not where you used to be either. Regardless of how little the progress you’ve made may seem, it is still an improvement from what or who you were before now. You may not have gotten that big car, house, job or whatever it is that you dreamed of, but you still have life, good health and hope for a better future.

Those are things worth appreciating and celebrating. Focusing all our attention on those things we don’t have closes our hearts and minds from facing the future with a more positive outlook that it would get better. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been struggling, but the moment you stop believing that you would make it and immerse yourself in regret and complain is the moment you open your door to sadness and depression.

Everything in life is programmed into seasons; and every new day in life brings with it beauty and opportunities. The fact that some other people’s season has come and yours is yet to come doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t come. But the question is ‘would you still be found hopeful and prepared when your season actually comes? Or  complain and regret would have made sadness and depression eaten you up before then?’

The more we appreciate God for the little things we have, the more he’ll continue to take care of us and open our hearts and minds to the new opportunities each new day brings. Don’t live life counting how big other people’s blessings are and forget the ones that you’ve got. If we could open our hearts and truly appraise the things that God has blessed us with, we would realize that we’re actually among some of the most privileged people in the world.

One therapy to having a life that is devoid of sadness and depression is to learn to count those things that God has actually blessed us with and celebrate them. Appreciation is one very easy cure for sadness and depression that a lot of people hardly pay attention to because they are already used to complaining about things they can’t change.

We should understand that life is actually in seasons and one day the season for our own fullness would come. Never stop believing in yourself and hope in achieving your dreams. You’re actually worth more than what you think you are. If only you could see that, you would learn to face each day with more zeal and enthusiasm.

Learn to live life appreciating and celebrating your little achievements irrespective of how little it may seem and you would discover that you would always be looking forward to the new opportunities life has to offer and sadness and depression will hardly come near your abode.

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