What Does "Love" Truly Mean?

what is love?

What is Love?

Everytime that the subject "love" is being discussed, it is generally described as a feeling. Just go around and ask a considerable number

of people what they think "romantic love" is. You'll discover that most of the people you'll encounter will definine love as a deep feeling of attraction you feel for someone you fancy.

Some of the people you'll encounter won't even have a definition or an explanation for what love actually is. Some think it is sex and some others think it is just being generous to someone you fancy. How can someone be able to make the most out of something you don't truly understand? For you to excel at love and make your relationship a worthwhile one, you must have a proper knowledge of what love actually is.

Whatever you define wrongly, you're likely going to relate with such thing wrongly. As humans, we relate with things based on our ideas or beliefs about such thing or concept. Thus if your concept about love is feeling based, sex based or you have this mindset that love is all about getting others to give you what you need, that's how you're going to relate with the concept of love all your life, unless you have a reconfiguration of your concept of love.

So, is love just about a feeling? And how deep does the feeling has to be for it to be described as love? Also, how can one distinguish between the love feeling and the lust feeling?

From the little experience I've had in relationship, I've discovered that feelings do fluctuate. Sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not there at all and you might start asking yourself if you should move on or wait for it to come back. Most people are not that patient enough to wait for the feeling to come back, so their first resort is to move on to the next person that can be able to stir up such love feeling. But the sad thing with stirring the feeling back up with someone new is that it will still go back down again and the cycle is likely going to continue.

This is what happens when love is described as a feeling. It is this description of love as a feeling that has made so many people to have given up on love because they have discovered that if love is a feeling, then there is nothing as love because feelings do come and go. But if you look at the attributes of love, you'll discover that love is much more than just a deep feeling. So if love is not just a feeling, what then is love?

romantic love

LOVE IS A DECISION. It is a decision to be with someone and invest yourself and everything that you've got into that special someone regardless of the circumstances. What makes that someone special to you? What both of you know about each other, What both of you have in common, what both of you share and what both of you are willing to do for each other.

From the few years I've spent in marriage, I've realized that there are times where either me or my partner don't feel a thing for the other as a result of their actions or inactions or as a result of our own frustration from life. But we always try to go pass such phase and work it out because we've made the decision to love and be there for each other. The love decision spur in us the desire to sacrifice for the subject of such love. That's what feeling can't do regardless of how deep the feeling might be

Love is a decision backed by knowledge to invest your life in someone else and be hopeful that the someone is willing to do same for you. The love decision is so binding that those that truly make such decision find it very difficult to back out of it. This is one of the reasons why you should always ensure that the person you're making such decision on is also willingly making such decision on you because making such a decision on someone that doesn't consider you worthy of such decision is a fast route to misery.

Feelings come and go without any binding strings but decision is something we must do because we thoughtfully and conciously made it. A feeling based relationship will always end in disaster but a love based relationship will always stand the test of time. Love is not a feeling, it's a decision. Make your love decision wisely!

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