Can You Give a Cheater Another Chance?

Relationship heartbreak

Should a Cheater Be Given a Second Chance?

There's this saying that 'a cheater will always remain a cheater!' And if that statement is anything to go by, wouldn't it be a great risk to give a cheater a
second chance?

I have seen people asking these questions severally; 'can I give a cheater a second chance?  When should I give a cheater a second chance? Can a cheater change? How can I know that the cheater won't cheat again? Do everyone cheat?' Etc... Here's my thought on this:

I believe that anyone can change but it is only the man that has seen the need to change and made a resolve to change that would put in the needed effort to effect such change in his/her life. Anyone that keeps making excuses for their wrong doing isn't yet ready for a change.

Cheating is one of the highest form of disrespect that one could mete to his/her partner in a love relationship. It simply connotes lack of love and emotional connection between the partners in a relationship. And the distrust, feeling of betrayal and uncertainty that cheating breeds in a relationship can hardly be taken for granted. Thus, the question of whether you should give a cheater a second chance is a very complex one. The question that you should ask yourself before considering if you should give the cheater another chance should be; 'Can i trust him/her again after he/she had cheated on me?'

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No relationship can survive without trust. And when trust has been broken in a relationship,  suspicion takes charge of the driving seat. And any relationship where suspicion has taken over is always very chaotic.

If your partner loved, respected and valued you and his/her relationship with you,  he/she would have considered the consequences and the hurt that his/her action would cause to you and your relationship before getting involved with someone else while still with you. I think cheating has no place in a love relationship because it portrays lack of love, respect and emotional connection between the partners in a relationship.

Anyone that loves you wouldn't want to do anything that would hurt you and destroy what they have with you. Most people cheat because they believe that they can get away with it. And such serial cheater hardly turn a new leaf. Thus considering giving such a cheater a second chance will be a very great risk for you to take because there is no guarantee that the cheater will respect his/her relationship you and turn a new leaf.

If it is a case where the cheating was a one-time thing as a of your partner getting carried away in the moment, then that is quite understandable because we as humans can get carried away sometimes and engage in regretful act. But that should never be an excuse for putting our relationship on the line, unless we no longer want to be in such a relationship. But even if you no longer want to be with you partner, I think that it will be very more honourable for you to break up the relationship the right way than for you to break it up by causing your partner great emotional pain.

I dont think cheating should ever be tolerated in a relationship, but if you think you can work it out with the cheater and the cheater feels sorry for his/her action and he/she is willing to turn a new leaf and do whatever that it will take to gain your trust again and make the relationship work, then you may consider giving him/her a second chance. But you need to understand that your relationship with the cheater may never be the same again.

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